Monday, December 3, 2018


some of life's most confounding questions are:
  • who am I?
  • where am I?
  • how did I get here?
  • why am I here?
  • where did the universe, and all that is in it, come from? 
  • does God exist?
  • who is God?
  • how do I know God?

I believe that:
  • no one speaks for God but God.
  • God hears my prayers.
  • God chooses when to answer my prayers.
    • God doesn't give me everything that I ask for.
      • (I didn't give my children everything that they asked for.)
  • the bible tells me about God.
    • sometimes the bible is clear and unambiguous.
      • I don't allow other humans to convince me that it means something different.
    • sometimes the bible isn't so clear, e.g. Revelations.
      • I ask God what the bible means.
        • sometimes God answers me clearly.
        • sometimes I don't hear God clearly.
          • I can keep asking.
          • I can move on.
  • God is God.
  • there is no other God than God.
    • God will reveal to me as God sees fit. 
      • sometimes God will reveal to me clearly.
      • sometimes God won't.
      • God is both revealing and mysterious.
      • God's ways are not human ways.
      • human ways are not God's ways.
  • God, and the bible, tell me much about God.
  • I reject other human beings who presume to speak for God.

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