Saturday, June 29, 2024

sacred conscience

Is there a hotter topic in politics than abortion? I don't think so.

Should abortion be a topic for political debate? I don't think so.

IMHO abortion is a matter of conscience. I believe that our conscience is a sacred connection between us and God. NO human being should interfere with that connection. NO human being should tell another human being what is right and wrong. It's between an individual and God.

Does this mean that I believe that abortion is right? Absolutely NOT! But it does mean that I feel that I don't have a right to interfere in the sacred connection between God and an individual human being.

It's up to us to listen to God speaking to us through our conscience. Let God alone be our judge. After all, judging others is way above our pay grade. Only God ALONE knows what's in our conscience because only God can put it there. 

attribution: Brett Jordon and flickr

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