Thursday, June 20, 2024

explaining the inexplicable

"The Bible teaches that Satan is the author of sin. Sin is the reason that we have afflictions, including death. All of our problems and our suffering, including death itself, are a result of man’s rebellion against God. But God has provided a rescue in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. That’s why Christ died on the cross. That’s why He rose from the dead.

Jesus suffered and died for us on the cross, but God raised Him from the dead. Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father and He sees our suffering. He sees our life every day and knows exactly where we stand.

The Bible teaches that we are to be patient in suffering. That’s the hardest thing of all, to be patient, to have songs in the night. Ask God to help you have a trusting, patient attitude, and flee from bitterness.

In suffering there is also, I believe, a message of warning. Are you prepared to meet God? What do you have to do to be ready? God took the initiative in giving His Son Jesus Christ. God says, “I love you. I want to forgive you. I want you to go to Heaven.” But you must respond to Him.

Receive Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Master and Savior. Follow Him and serve Him from this moment on. You can know that you are prepared to meet God, whatever the future holds."

attribution: David Campbell and flickr

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