Monday, March 18, 2019

geometry and God

most people think of a line as being between two points. by definition, a line extends to infinity. by definition, a line with a beginning point and an end point is a segment. a line defined by one end point extending to infinity, by definition, is a ray. 

like a line, God is infinite.

the simplest of all geometric figures is a circle. it is defined by a point (center) and a segment (radius). with beginning and end points, an arc is a segment of a circle.

formulae for the circumference and area of a circle contain the mysterious constant pi. 

a circle, with no beginning and no end and the mysterious constant pi, is like God.

a triangle is next in simplicity of geometric shapes--three points connected by line segments. another name for the points defining a triangle are vertices. each point is a vertex.

God's three Persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are like the three vertices of a triangle. God is like a triangle.

AnonMoos [Public domain]

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