Sunday, January 13, 2019

reality and faith, hope & love

freedom, independence, life, liberty, happiness, peace, etc. are these real? or are they just illusions?

"freedom"? to do whatever I want? an illusion. nature's laws, human government laws, my own limitations, and limitations and whims of others make true "freedom" an illusion. it's the same for independence, life, liberty, happiness, world peace, etc.

the only "realities" that I can control in my life are my own beliefs and actions. do I believe that there is a supreme and sovereign God Who created and sustains all that exists or has ever existed? do I hope that there is another life where only goodness exists? do I believe that faith, hope and love are real gifts from God to me personally that I can accept or reject to any degree that I choose? 

my belief in God, my hope in God, and my love for God and for my neighbors are mine only to control. this is reality.
image by Sharon Tate Soberon


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