Friday, June 4, 2021

universal fundamental invisible forces

there are fundamental invisible opposing forces in the universe:



  1. every human being is subjected to these opposing forces.
  2. we make many choices every day.
  3. figuratively most of us "ride the diagonal" with our choices.
  4. sometimes our choices are good.
  5. sometimes they are bad.
  6. how often do we choose well?
  7. how often do we choose poorly?
  8. figuratively where are we on the diagonal with our choices?
  9. singly? and collectively?
  10. which direction are we going with our choices? up? or down?
  11. singly? and collectively?
  12. on a cosmic level it's the war between good and evil. 

Participating in the Cosmic Conflict | God's Character (5/15/2012) 

Servant God | God's Character (9/18/2015) 

Alcoholism is frequently called a disease. Is alcoholism a disease or a choice? While I believe that there's a case for believing that some people may be more genetically predisposed to abuse alcohol than others, nonetheless I believe that alcohol abuse is a choice--or, at the very least, a self-inflicted disease. alcoholics don't become alcoholics because someone holds their nose and pours booze down their throats. alcoholics choose to become alcoholics by choosing to abuse booze. I feel sorry for the family of a fraternity pledge when the pledge dies from alcohol abuse. however, I see the pledge's death as a result of his choosing to be the victim of alcohol abuse--just as he chose to pledge a fraternity. in my mind this is similar to those who choose not to get the covid vaccine. I feel sorry for those who die from covid through no fault of their own. but for anyone to refuse the free vaccine, available to everyone, and recommended by doctors, immunologists and other smart people, is their own (ill advised) choice. why should one person feel sorry for another person who willingly makes a poor choice of their own free will that results in their death?