Friday, October 6, 2017

only God, not man, can speak for God

"The reformer Martin Luther stated that 'in chapters 9, 10 and 11, St. Paul teaches us about the eternal providence of God. It is the original source which determines who would believe and who wouldn't, who can be set free from sin and who cannot'".[3]* 
Romans 9 - Wikipedia
*Preface to the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, by Martin Luther, 1483-1546, Translated by Bro. Andrew Thornton, OSB

Martin Luther said in his Preface to the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans that it all begins with vocabulary. I believe that Luther is correct. the "faith" that I was taught in catholic grade school, high school and college was "religion". it focused more on human "interpretations" and "rules" than on "spirit" or "spirituality". it focused on being faithful to religion and its human (and corrupt like ourselves) leaders (priests, bishops, popes, theologians--"chatterers", as Martin Luther puts it), rather than focusing on what God tells us through His Word and His Grace, and in our soul and in our conscience (faith).

Faith is important; religion is not.

God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, took on the punishment for my sins.

does this sound too good to be true?
of course it does.
however, with faith we believe.