Tuesday, April 2, 2024

faith vs. religion

I no longer associate myself with a religion. It's a long story.

I am a Christian. I believe in the Trinity: Almighty Creator God the Father, Jesus, God the Father's only Son, and God the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised will be an advocate for faithful Christians until the end of the world when God's plan will be fulfilled.

I believe that God speaks to us through our conscience, prayer and the bible. 

I believe that God loves His creations, including humans. I believe that God wants us humans to believe in God and to love God with all our heart and soul and to love our neighbor. 

I believe that if we are faithful to God, love God and are sorry for our sins that God will forgive us and will provide for us according to God's will after we die.

attribution: Sharon Tate Soberon and flickr

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