Thursday, December 5, 2019

Isaiah 26: Advent Reflection for December 5 – Thursday of the First Week of Advent

Reflection: Who or what is the foundation of your life? As people of faith, it may seem self-evident that our lives are to be rooted firmly on the rock of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, when we pause to consider the truth of our daily lives, it is likely that we can point to times in which we become distracted, or when we have trusted in something other than God. It is easy to seek security in material things, wealth, social status, or power rather than discerning and following God’s will, relying on God’s providential care and love. In these first days of the Advent season, we are invited to be mindful that our time on earth will someday draw to a close, and to be prepared for the coming of Christ in glory. Today, ask yourself who or what is the foundation of your life. What one or two things might you do to more fully seek and live God’s will in this Advent season?

image by Charlotte90T
labeled for noncommercial reuse


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