Thursday, November 14, 2019

the BIG book

I went to catholic grade school in the 1950s. I remember the nuns telling us that if we're good then we'll go to heaven and that if we're bad then we're going to hell. 

we all know how impressionable that young forming brains are. I got the impression that God, or his appointed designee, St. Peter, kept this BIG book, and when I died that God or St. Peter would look in the book and read all of my sins to everybody at the last judgment.

Big_Book.svg: Jimmietderivative work: Gaeser [CC0]

it took a LONG time for me to get that out of my head, but I finally believe that God doesn't work that way.  

I believe in God. I believe that when I die that I'll be one-on-one with God. there won't be a BIG book. there won't need to be. both God and I know my sins. nothing will be said. God will know that I'm sorry for my sins. God won't have to say that God forgives me. I'll know. 

image by Kahunapule Michael Johnson
labeled for noncommercial reuse


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